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The manuals have been broken down into many PDF files, you can download it at this link...


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About PHS Srl

Established in 1982 PHS Srl was created by highly educated, experienced hardware and software engineers.


production tracking Our extensive knowledge in developing hardware systems allow us to provide state-of-the-art solutions for various industries in measurement equipment, automation, logistic, radio frequency and many others. We produce systems in different fields such as: traceability, presence survey, manufacturing information systems, logistics, production and jobs tracking, automated data collection having almost 30 years of experience.

The most comprehensive suite for industry software development

With corporate networks becoming more complex and bringing together multiple technologies PHS Srl has developed a data collection and automation system called TTS, open and flexible, easy to deploy compatible with Ethernet and AS/400 which allows software producers for industry to create applications for any existing environment. Read more about TTS...


Last News

5th April 2011
A Case History from Brembo Poland

With the help of PHS products line we have reduced the customer complaints and operator errors during the printing paper process.> Read more...

26th June 2012
New simulation environment for TTS

Released the SDKTTS for developers. Test your application (RPG, Java or. NET) without the use of hardware..